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Discovering Your Teen's Hidden Strengths: A Parent’s Guide
Parents, Teens, Strengths Rachel Thalmann Parents, Teens, Strengths Rachel Thalmann

Discovering Your Teen's Hidden Strengths: A Parent’s Guide

Imagine being a teenager today: navigating a world where every swipe and scroll stacks up against them, making them question if they’re smart enough, talented enough, or simply “enough.” Many teens struggle with the pressure to measure up. They watch their peers excel and wonder, “Why is it so easy for them, but so hard for me?” In school, they might feel like their teachers are disappointed in them or even don’t like them, mistaking feedback as a judgment on who they are, not just how they’re doing.

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The Kids are Alright
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The Kids are Alright

Few things chap my hide more than the classic grumbling "kids these days" complaint, especially from those who don’t work with these kids every day. There's a pervasive idea that today's youth are somehow inferior but how many of us remember the “old folks” telling us Gen X-ers what a great generation we were? It didn’t happen back then and it never will. But as an educator, these comments often prompt an eye roll that I perfected during my own teenage years.

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