Quick Read, Long Ponder About Accountability
When a teacher tells me they want their kids to take more accountability, more responsibility, the first thing I look for in their classroom is how often the academic conversation is between teacher - students only vs students - students.
When kids talk freely and willingly about academics (not just chit-chat) with one another, they're actually building trust and community in one another. AND they're building trust in you, even when they're not talking directly to you, because of the safe, relational environment you're fostering. You're demonstrating with your actions that you trust and respect them.
This isn’t a one-and-done strategy that we apply like so much mayonnaise to bread. It’s complex. Our kids have to be walked into this ability. But we can do when we apply several of the skills inside of a restorative system. Skills such as Empathy, Honest Expression, Asking better questions, and applying the Art of requests are all more than just “doing a circle.”
But let’s not put the metaphorical cart before the horse. Let’s start with some data right where we are. What’s currently happening in your classroom?
My challenge for you: Reflect a bit. How much of your classroom "discussion time" is spent with individuals responding to you vs individuals talking with each other? And when you find it’s most back/forth with the teacher as the hub, how will you begin shifting that dynamic?
My SUPER challenge for you: invite a secret observer to your classroom to note the actual conversation dynamics vs what you think happens. Then when you find it’s most back/forth with the teacher as the hub, how will you begin shifting that dynamic?
I know it sounds like I’m making assumptions but in my 30+ years of teaching, I have never ever heard a teacher complain about a lack of responsibility/accountability in “these students” when their classroom norm is for their kids to be talking freely and willingly about academics with one another.
So…are you willing to be vulnerable and coachable? Will you take the Challenge? Or the Super Challenge?
Or is your perception alone 100% accurate? How do you know? Even a superstar like Patrick Mahomes has several personal coaches and trainers.
If you’d like to share your results with me and/or talk more about this concept and how to make this happen for your kids, let me know!
You can also learn more about Restorative Practices with our summer workshop about Transforming Discipline in Today’s Classrooms, June 5, 2024 in Hutchinson Kansas.