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Your go-to source for all things education, trauma-informed, leadership, and beyond!
Our experts share some of their favorite tools, strategies, resources, and suggestions.

Could the Same Leadership Tools That Build Teams Strengthen Your Marriage?
Leadership, Marriage, Relationships Rachel Thalmann Leadership, Marriage, Relationships Rachel Thalmann

Could the Same Leadership Tools That Build Teams Strengthen Your Marriage?

True teamwork isn’t about being perfect together––it’s about understanding how each person’s joys and frustrations complement the other. If we can bring that kind of understanding into both our work and personal lives, we’ll build a foundation that’s not only effective but lasting.

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Tell Me Something Good- Lyons USD 405
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Tell Me Something Good- Lyons USD 405

Lyons Middle School recently hosted its annual Portfolio / Artifact Night, showcasing the impressive career exploration work of students in grades 6-8. This initiative, supported by a Perkins Reserve Grant, provided students with valuable insights into their future career paths.

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8 Important Aspects Educators Should Understand About Challenging Behaviors

8 Important Aspects Educators Should Understand About Challenging Behaviors

Every educator has encountered students whose behaviors present challenges in the classroom. Whether it’s a child who consistently disrupts class, withdraws socially, or exhibits signs of emotional dysregulation, understanding the missing skills and unmet needs causing these behaviors is crucial for effectively addressing them, along with effectively managing our own emotional responses.

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Are you a dinosaur? And what to do if you are.
Education, Standards, Classroom Glenn Wiebe Education, Standards, Classroom Glenn Wiebe

Are you a dinosaur? And what to do if you are.

Way back in 2011, as part of an every seven years legislative requirement, Kansas Department of Education Consultant Don Gifford started the process of reviewing the state social studies standards. But instead of simply updating some language, adding some new resources, and calling it good, Don led the writing committee down a completely different path.

Rather than asking the committee to create a list of required content items, Don pushed the committee to look at the research and come up with something that went beyond the simple memorizing of historical facts. The result? A set of standards that focused on creating a balance of content and critical thinking skills. A lot less memorizing and a whole lot more application and process.

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Tell Me Something Good- Chase-Raymond USD 401
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Tell Me Something Good- Chase-Raymond USD 401

In the 23/24 school year Kylee McDonald and her administrative team applied for a comprehensive grant to promote wellness and stronger school to community connections in the district. They were awarded, and part of Kylee’s vision for the grant was to bring a restorative approach to the campus with staff, students, and families. Both her principles jumped on board, and they hosted Professional Development with ESSDACK to bring this philosophy to staff.

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