Core Curriculum
We’ve got your content covered.
Our consultants and technology professionals don’t know everything. But they come pretty darn close. Not sure who you’re looking for but know you need something in a specific discipline or topic?
Literacy & ELA
We believe that academic success depends on reading and writing proficiency. We also believe that literacy instruction begins with the science of reading. Our consultants are versed in the latest in brain research and research-based tools / software including the Pathways to Reading and LETRS programs. Connect with specially trained consultants below.
Numeracy & Mathematics
The understanding of the power of numbers and of mathematics is critical to the success of every student. Our consultants are experts in helping you develop this understanding in your everyday instructional designs. They use research-based hands-on strategies and tools such as Cognitively Guided Instruction to develop a variety of learning opportunities.
Social Studies
To create informed and engaged citizens, students need to be actively involved in analyzing evidence, solving authentic problems, and communicating effective solutions. Our specialists are deeply involved in creating effective instructional strategies that support historical thinking.
ESSDACK believes in promoting hands-on learning that integrates science content and best practices while also making strong connections . Next Gen standards are the basis of all activities utilized by our specialists, ensuring powerful learning experiences for your students.

Professional Learning Communities
We know how powerful collaboration can be to help hone our instructional skills. So we offer PLC opportunities in a variety of content areas including social studies, technology integration, ESOL, and early childhood. These PLCs meet multiple times throughout the school to to gain knowledge, develop expertise, and implement best practices.
Poverty and Trauma-Informed Education
Growing up in poverty and experiencing trauma can significantly affect a child’s behavior and academic performance, impacting their mindset for change and success. We offer a systemic approach that includes families & communities to provide multiple poverty and trauma informed learning opportunities, conferences, and events.
Bullying & School Climate
ESSDACK believes that all students, teachers, and families deserve to have a school community that is positive, uplifting, and focused on the success of all. We can provide resources and strategies that motivate students to be part of a positive educational experience.
Quality assessment tools that guide instruction and promote student proficiency are essential for preparing students for a successful future. We’re able to assist schools in gathering assessment data and in understanding how to use that data to evaluate student needs and guide instruction.
Crisis Training
We provide information and training to help school districts prevent and prepare for crises that interrupt the education of students in their schools and threaten the safety of staff and students.

Coaching / Mentoring
We offer a variety of coaching and mentoring services designed to build leadership capacity, develop positive workplace culture, and inspire personal growth.
ESSDACK also offers our proprietary INspired Leadership coaching program, a powerful tool useful for building leadership skills within your organization and communities.
Technology Integration
Using educational technology in appropriate ways improves student learning, encourages critical thinking, increases engagement, and supports 21st-century skills.
Whether it’s Google Workspace, Apple creation software, or the use of web-based strategies, our consultants are ready to help you and your students take full advantage of the edtech tools that best fit your needs
Special / Gifted Education
We know that all children can learn and that success looks different for different students. We also believe that schools and wider learning communities have a responsibility to find appropriate strategies to create fertile learning environments for students who have been identified as having special needs. ESSDACK consultants can support you and your district develop and integrate those strategies as part of your practice.
English as a Second Language
As the population of non-English-speaking students continues to grow, you can count on ESSDACK to provide training designed specifically to help you advance the academic achievement of your English Language Learners. In addition to presenting research-based strategies for both content instruction and language acquisition, we also address topics encountered by school leadership and assist teachers in preparation for ESOL certification.
Problem / Project /
Passion-Based Learning
Quality assessment tools that guide instruction and promote student proficiency are essential for preparing students for a successful future. We’re able to assist schools in gathering assessment data and in understanding how to use that data to evaluate student needs and guide instruction.
ESSDACK believes that lifelong learning does not happen in isolation. If we want students to be prepared for life, they must experience learning in a real-world and authentic environment. This connected learning includes intentionally making cross curricular connections, connecting learning to the community beyond the four walls of school, and designing creative ways to rethink the use of time in learning.
We provide a wide variety of PBL supports including conference keynotes, content specific workshops, tech tools, personalized sessions, and LifePractice PBL coaching certificates.
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Still not finding what you need?
Let us help you create a learning experience tailored specifically for you by calling 620-663-9556 or contact us with your questions: