Just How Big are the “Little Things”?

Kelly Turcotte, my team member, is contributing to the blog! Enjoy her story!

“Sometimes people come into your life for a moment, a day, or a lifetime. It matters not the time they spend with you but how they impacted your life in that time.”   ––Unknown

We all hear (and say it) at times, “It’s the little things that count.” But when you do little things for others, is it by intention or accident?

Anabolic leadership is all about intention. Knowing yourself and knowing the gifts you possess to build up, unify, and connect with others are ways you can be intentional about the little things.

My daughter recently competed in a track meet and her first race was the first of the meet. It’s a race she’s been making progress on and seeing improved times with the work she is putting in during practices. Well, she won! It was great to see her finish strong and in control. When she came over to me I was eager to hug her and congratulate her on the payoff for all her hard work, but she wasn’t concerned with her win at all. The man who was the starter for the race met her at the finish line, told her good job and handed her the spent cap from his gun. He said it was a memento for her to keep. This “little thing” had her face lit up like a parent can only hope to witness. She thought it was the coolest thing she’d ever received in competition. She had a great day of competing and received more caps from this man.

THIS is anabolic leadership. This is a man that knows the little things pay great dividends. The impact of his actions have spread farther than he knows. Not only was I grateful for my daughter to receive these gifts, but as a coach I was grateful I got to witness it. I have told so many people about this man’s actions. Every person I’ve told has been inspired by his action….and they weren’t even there.

That is the beauty of leading oneself anabolically.
You understand that little things count so you sprinkle
them around with abandon trusting the impact
will be greater than you’ll ever know.

My “little thing” response was to send a thank you note to the school, the coach, and the starter.

His name is Tom Moore. He’s been a teacher for 41 years, a track coach for 29 years, and a starter for ten years. This is a man who is doing what he’s meant to do.

He sent me a picture of himself “doing what he likes best.”

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Here is another person that’ll never forget these “little things” either:

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Your Turn:

What do you “like to do best”? (Show us in the comments!) What would “what you like do best” look like with a little more intention?


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