Embracing the Light: A Magical Encounter Reminds Me of Kindness in the World

(Author note: This blog was written during the summer, but as the news cycle turns bleak again I feel it is a great time to share this story and remind you there is good in the world!)


Recently, I've noticed that I've been unintentionally viewing the world through the lens of cynicism. Normally, I see a lot of light and positivity in everything around me, but lately, it feels like I've been surrounded by darkness. The constant exposure to negative news, crime podcasts, and dark-themed books seemed to have taken a toll on my perception of the world and the people in it.

"Are there any kind people out there?" I asked myself, feeling overwhelmed by the darkness that was slowly seeping into my soul. Wanting to break free from this pessimistic perspective, I turned to my journal, penning a heartfelt plea, "I hope that I can start seeing some light. Please, God, show me some LIGHT."

Over the summer, I embarked on a special trip to Oklahoma City with my sister-in-law and my niece, Willow, who was turning 11. Knowing Willow's love for shopping, cheesecake, and quality time, we planned this getaway as the perfect birthday gift for her. Little did I know that this trip would be the catalyst for the change I needed.

As we prepared for the outing, I impulsively slipped a simple "Happy Birthday" headband into my bag. The moment I gave it to Willow to wear, the magic began. Everywhere we went, people wished her a happy birthday, and it was heartwarming to see the joy in her eyes. Store workers would notice her headband and exclaim, "Oh, it's your birthday! Come here, we have a little surprise for you."

Gifts, big and small, started pouring in - stickers, lip gloss, buttons, candy, and even an ice cream sundae! Yet, it wasn't just the material surprises that made the trip magical; it was the genuine kindness of strangers that truly touched our hearts.

Throughout the entire weekend, people went out of their way to celebrate Willow. They didn't know her or us, but they saw a little girl excitedly celebrating her birthday, and they joined in the festivities. Even a boat full of strangers on a canal tour in Bricktown sang a heartfelt rendition of "Happy Birthday" to her.

In those two days, I didn't just witness one kind act; I was overwhelmed by close to a hundred displays of kindness. It was a reminder that the world is not all darkness and despair but rather a beautiful blend of light and compassion.

As we returned home, I felt a profound shift within myself. The cynicism that clouded my view had begun to lift, making way for the light that had been there all along. This experience taught me that acts of kindness, no matter how small, can illuminate even the darkest corners of our lives.

So, as I reflect on that magical trip with Willow, I embrace the light that radiates from the hearts of kind people. And I now understand that in a world that may sometimes seem dark and messed up, there is always an abundance of light waiting to shine through if we are open to receiving it.




AI chatbots. Maybe not the end of the world.