Connect with Beth
Beth Parker
Instructional and Curriculum Consultant, Embedded Services
Balanced Assessment, High Impact Instructional Design and Teaching Strategies, Instructional Coaching, Facilitation of Curriculum Alignment and Adoption, Classroom Management, Mentoring, Data Analysis and Needs Assessment Facilitation, Accreditation and Design, Section 504 and General Education Intervention, College and Career Readiness/CTE
Having spent more than two decades in both rural and suburban Kansas schools, Beth has a diverse range of experiences and knowledge. Prior to joining the ESSDACK team, she was fortunate to work as a secondary social studies teacher, building leader, and district administrator.
In Beth, you’ll find someone who:
fosters positive relationships and uses data-driven decisions to ensure equity and access for all learners;
provides sustained and engaging professional learning focused on research, data, and collaboration in order to build collective efficacy to increase student achievement;
and leads with integrity, kindness, positivity, and with the belief that every student receives the support they need to succeed.
Beth presents on a variety of topics:
High Impact Instructional Strategies
Section 504 Basics: An Introduction for School Staff
Clarity in the Classroom: Effective Feedback
Clarity in the Classroom: Learning Intentions & Success Criteria
Effective PLCs
Unpacking Standards and Balanced Assessment
Vocabulary Strategies for the Secondary Classroom
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Tier 1 Implementation