403(b)/457(b) Online Enrollment/Deferral
Change Instructions
Begin at your login page to access your account. Use the video links below for tips on using online features.
Allows participants to choose their investments and contributions.
Chooses the default investment type and contribution for the participant.
Example: Currently contributing $100/pay period & want to increase to $200/pay period.
(Some districts may limit the number of times or times of the year when employees may change their retirement withholdings. Please check with your district before entering changes via the website.)
You signed up single, but are now married and want to add your spouse.
You want to add a child.
You want to switch the primary beneficiary from your spouse to a Trust.
Changing Investments for Future Contributions
Example: You have 100% of your paycheck going to Fund A & want to switch it to Fund B.
Changing Investments for Future Contributions AND Money Already in Your Account
Example: You have 100% of your paycheck going to Fund A. 100% of your balance is also in Fund A. You want to change investments for future contributions to to Fund B AND move all of the current balances to Fund B, as well.
Moving Money (Current Balances)
Example: You have your balances spread across 3 funds: 30% in Fund A, 30% in Fund B & 40% in Fund C. You want to move all of the money in Fund A to Fund B.
Example: You currently have your balance spread across 4 funds: Funds A, B, C & D all have 25% of the total balance. You want to spread the balance differently: 15% in Fund A, 20% in Fund B, 25% in Fund C, 15% in Fund D & 25% in (NEW) Fund E.
Contact Luke McKee or call:
Hutchinson Office
Olathe Office
Wichita Office